
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ramblings of the day...

  Let me just say right now that my favorite Christmas CD at the moment is MercyMe's Christmas CD. If you've never heard it, go buy it now. It's awesome. and yes, I like it better then Josh Grobans CD (runs and hides in bush)

  Now that that's out there, I have a question for YOU, my reader. What will you be doing this holiday season? Besides stuffing your face with good Christmas food, opening presents,  and having a jolly good time that is.
For me, I'll hopefully be doing two of my favorite things.

knitting and reading :-)
What am I knitting and reading at the moment? well, I'm still working on my KAL project and just LOVING the yarn more and more. I'm very happy with how it's coming out :-)
And I just started "Heart's Blood" by Juliet Marillier. so far so good, but I'm only 43 pages into it. I'll tell you what I think of it when I'm done. Last night I stayed up way too late finishing "Book of a thousand days". Great book. You should definitely read it if you like fantasy novels. oh! and guess what's waiting for me down at the library? "Cybele's Secret"!!! I'm so excited! but I will finish Heart's Blood first. I will. *tries to stand by my word*  So yes, this holiday season will be filled with catching up on reading, and doing some knitting with Angel and Mom :-)
annyywaayyy... now that I've rambled on forever about books....

Tea is good. Especially when drank out of a Tinkerbell mug that's 8inches tall. (or more. that was just a guess and I'm too lazy to go get a tapemeasure)

and on one very last and random note....

this is probably one of my favorite movies ever. yup.

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