
Sunday, December 12, 2010


So I know it's been forever since I last posted about knitting, and I figured it was about time I said something about it.

Right now I'm working on two projects (I know, only two! can you believe it??) One is an adorable sweater for my cousin for his birthday, which is December 23rd. But I only have about... an inch or so done, and it's taking forreevvverrr.... but I really was going to be very very good and not get anything and finish it in time... and then... well... yeah... I'm now working on a KAL (Knit along) with the Awesome Grace and the Awesome Emily. I'm very excited :)

Here is my beautiful yarn and the work in process.

and here is mine and Emily's yarn together

pretty pretty :)

Quote of the day (this made me laugh really hard)
Ethan comes into my room and see's the name of my blog "'A Small measure of coolness'? You have NO coolness Hannah, unlike me, I have wayyy to much"

yup, that's Ethan for you ;)
Hope your weekend was awesome!