
Friday, December 24, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

I am so super excited for tomorrow! like, yeah... super excited. and I hope you are all excited too because Christmas is super amazing :-)

Today is the day of cooking, so I figured I'd take a few pictures of all the delicious food that's in our kitchen at the moment.

this is the delicious poppy seed cake that I just made. (it's cooking now) This is actually going to be for tonight.

And these are the yummy looking 7 layer bars that Grace made. They're for Sunday when we have Christmas with the family.
We're also in the process of making Swedish meatballs for Sunday also, and if you've never had these, you're missing out. big time. They're awesome. (the picture came out blurry and I'm too lazy to take another, so I guess you'll just have to use your imagination.)
Tomorrow we're going to make Crackle cookies.
Hopefully they'll be as good as these ones :-)

And... I think that's all. So yes, I love cooking for Christmas!
Anyway... Hope your Christmas is an amazing one and that you remember what it really is about. It's not about getting, it's not about yummy food, it's not about YOU. It's about JESUS. So take a moment, (or an hour) and stop and think about what life would have been like if Jesus had never been born. Or, what life would be like if Jesus wasn't in your life. It's really mind blowing to see how much he's done.

Merry Christmas! :-)


  1. Dude... I can't even *imagine* where I'd be without our Saviour. All I know is that my God is an incredibly awesome God and I'm uber thankful for that.

    And everything looks soo amazingly good btw! =)

  2. i know!! me too! :) He is amazing!! i love him lots! I cant wait till tomorrow!!
