
Thursday, October 14, 2010

So I know I've been making promises to certain people *coughGracecough* that I'd put pictures of things up. namely, earrings, yarn, and key chains. so here they are :)

there's the key chain and earrings, as you can see :P now you might be wondering why i didn't get a picture of the earring ON me. while... I tried to. and failed. I'm bad at taking pictures of myself haha!

And here is the amazing yarn I got at the big E! i LOVE it!!!! it's so soft and the colors are just gorgeous! I'm going to be making the Traveling Woman with it. hopefully... if i ever take time to print the pattern out ;-)

(here's a picture of what it'll hopefully end up looking like. just with my yarn)

and that is the end of this post. Hope you all had a good Thursday :)

1 comment:

  1. AHHH!!! THE KEY CHAIN IS AMAZING!!!!... well the yarn and earrings are too, but it's the mini sweater is sssssssssooooo cute!!!!!!
