
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am very very sorry it has been forever since i last posted. I tried to like a week ago, but dumb Blogger wouldn't let me post any pictures. :(
so I'm trying again.

February Lady Sweater is done! For those of you who don't know the story behind this, this is a very special project. When my older sister Angel came out this May we went to one of the biggest yarn stores in America, WEBS. It's right over in Mass. if you ever get the chance, go! it's really awesome! annywaayyy... while we were there Angel, my Mom and I all decided we we're gonna make the same sweater in different colors and we're gonna wear them on (or sometime around) Christmas when Angel comes to visit again. So far, I'm the only one who has actually finished mine. Angel's is... in process ;)  and Mom is just finishing up another sweater she's working on and then she'll be starting hers. Here are the pictures of mine though. (yay! they actually did upload!)

I love the buttons!

so yes, it's all done. sorry i don't have any of it actually ON me... :-/

what am I making now?? well, I'll post a picture of my work. but you'll just have to wait until I finish it to see what it's gonna be

by now I have a lot more done, this was on the day I started it. I'm hoping to finish it by this weekend.

So, now that I've updated all my knitting projects I have some VERY exciting news! I found froggy!!! He's my amazing stuffed frog that I stole from my big brother. If you've ever been to my house I'm sure you've met him. But about a month ago I lost him and it made me very very sad. but today Ethan and Lydia found him! and my life is complete again. :)

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