
Friday, April 15, 2011

  A friend posted this on Facebook, I'm not sure where he got it from, but I thought it was worth re-posting.

God said to the stars, go and move in accordance to these laws until I give thee further command and they continue to move. He said to the planets get thee up and whirl. Form yourselves into this formation and do not break rank until I give thee word, they have maintained that formation for millenniums. He says unto the mountains to get up and they rise up, He says to the valleys be cast down and they bow down, He says to the sea, “thus far shall you come and no further” and they do not overstep their bounds. Yet when He says to people, “love your parents”, we cry, “legalism!” and remain unwilling to bend the knee in submission.

I think it's so very true... in a sad, sad way.

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