
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

   Happy almost Easter! Today is Good Friday, but I think we often just breeze past it. We might go to a church service, but that's about it. It's really Easter that we focus on. And Easter is amazing, but there wouldn't be any Easter if it wasn't for Good Friday. Christ died for us. For you. And you can either except that or not. But the fact is, he did. And he suffered more then you can imagine. Not just the physical torture, but the fact that God the Father turned his back on his own Son. I mean, I can't even begin to comprehend that. So, I would highly recommend, take a minute. Or an hour. Read through the crucifixion in any of the Gospels, and really think about it. Realize what it is He has done, and praise him for that. Hope you all have a great weekend :)

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