
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

30 day Challenge-day 2

Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

 Hopie<3 yeah, I've known her pretty much my entire life, and we've always been close. Sadly she no longer lives in CT so I don't see her very often...and I miss her :-(

Stay tuned, by the way...another post coming later today =)
about something...more...worthwhile? haha! I'm not really sure yet, I just had a thought while running and I think it'll make a good post.


  1. Whoa, something more worthwhile than me? Is there such a thing?! Just kidding!!!
    I love you friend!! This makes me happy! :)

    Hope Martin

  2. haha! yeah...that's not how I meant it to sound like :-P

    and I love you too, but I miss your gorgeous face. Skype date, pwease?
