
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The broke, but happy, knitter

   Happy holiday's and all that. Late, I know. But we were pretty busy around here with 11 people in the house, parties, yarn shopping, playing Mario Kart and all the other fun things you do during the holidays. I did have a really awesome break though, and I'm very sad it's over. But life is life, and it must go on.
Anyway, the point of this post is to put up pictures of yarn. So if you're not a knitter, you'll prolly find this really boring. (I hope all the link work by the way...tell me if they don't.)  As I mentioned above, we went yarn shopping. Angel, Mom and I, that is. It was a lot of fun, but as the the title of this post implies, I'm a little broke now. :-/ But that's ok, because I have an awesome job :-)

   This yarn was actually a Christmas gift, so I don't feel to bad about having it ;-) I'm going to be making the shawl with it. (The color is a little off, it's more pinkish then that.)

This yarn I actually got right after Thanksgiving. It was an awesome Black Friday deal :-)  I'll be making "The bubble top" as Grace likes to call it, with it. I'm excited!

This is another Black Friday deal and I am *in love* with this color! it's so pretty! I'll be making the Talamh sweater with it.
So my favorite color is orange, but yet I have never knitted an orange anything. So while we were shopping I was debating what color to do one of the patterns I had. And Angel, the brilliant person that she is, was like "why don't you do it orange?" And so I got orange, and I'm looking forward to making (and wearing!) it. =) 

Ok, the awesome blue yarn on the left I got for a cowl, only to find out when I get home that the cowl needs 2 skeins. So now it's just sitting in my stash waiting for some other use. But it's an uber pretty color that I love. The one on the right is for this shrug.  I actually don't like it that much, but Angel convinced me that it would be fun to make it together... so we'll see how it goes.
And last but not least...

This will be for this adorable little shrug that I'm in love with! I'm so excited to make this!
And that is it I believe. So far I have started nothing because I already have two projects going, and I need to finish at least one of them. Plus most of the yarn is still in need of winding.

On one last note, look what I made the other day! =)

They were delish!


  1. ish(sorry i hate the term "dilish") :P but they were very fantastically amazing.

  2. OOOO to the knitting stuff. OOOOO OOOOO and OOOOOO

    and the Cyclops!! Yaaaaaaaayyy!!

  3. No wonder you're broke. That's a lot of yarn.

    I must approve of the cookies, though. They look quite delish.
