
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Creepster the Elf

   We have this uberly creep elf on our shelf, which we call Creepster. But lately he has been even more creepy than normal. He even managed to sneak into my purse and catch a ride over to a friends house and creep on *them*. Thankfully we found him, and he's now safely in our house. But as creepy as ever ;) Anyway, over Christmas break I wrote a poem about him, with the help of some of my sibs and I told Micah Hayashida that I'd put it up. So here it is. And... umm... I'm not poet. At all... so I'm not putting this up because it's a masterpiece, just because it's the truth ;)

Creepster the elf
He sits up on a shelf.
He watches all day long
as the people come along

Looking left and right
Day and night
He's a sneaky little guy
And is just here to spy

His cheeks are all red
And he looks well fed
He has a sly little smirk
But he's really quite a jerk

He knows all you doings
even when you're peeing or pooing
He's not a sleeper
so I say watch out for this creeper!



  1. O.O is that HIM!? HE is SO CREEPY. ...his eyelashes...?! His...weirdly shaped cheeks....

    and his lack of knees, and legs in general.

    This is creepy...

  2. Hahahahahahahaha!!! I didn't know you had a creepy elf till now! That wasn't what I thought you meant by creepy at first, but I totally see what you mean now! Love you, friend!!

    Hope Martin

  3. lol wow i never noticed him at your house he is definitely creepy. I love your poem too! :)IT is great!

  4. At Grace, yes, his lack of knees and elbows too (although it's hard to see in this picture) is just freaky! and his arms and legs are about a mile long too.

    At Hope, well.. we actually just got him this Christmas. he's our 11th child. although not loved at all ;) love ya too girl!

    at Nicole, well no duh you didn't notice him! he's creepy and hides! haha! thanks... :)

  5. yeahhh he is prolly the most creepy thing ever. *shudders* hahaha you posted your poem!;) i helped with the ending!!

  6. Elf on a shelf! :D My dad likes those and we were really close to buying one this past Christmas.

  7. To guitargirl- haha! it's a good thing you didn't ;)
    actually, we have another one who is pretty cute, and his name is Edward. so they're not allll bad
