
Thursday, November 25, 2010

day 14- Thanksgiving day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

So I stinking LOVE thanksgiving. best holiday out there, for sure. You get to eat tons of wonderful food, be with some of the best people ever (your family duh) and of course, every family has their own little traditions they do. like ours is to take a walk after dinner. best thing ever because it makes you feel less full which means you can eat more dessert! and we also watch one of the latest movies that just came out (that's appropriate for everyone that is). This year we watched Toy Story 3, and it was awesome :)
I also like it because it's a reminder of all the things we have. everyday we take things for granted, like food, a house, clothes, even really important things like a family that loves us. so many people out there don't have all those things. People are alone, abused, starving, dying because they have no home. and here we are with those things and we so often just think of them as 'every day things'. so, if you haven't already, stop for a sec and think of all the things God has given you. and be thankful for it.

Hope your thanksgiving was an amazing one!


  1. So was mine cuz YOU WHERE THERE!!! :) thats a pretty awesome post Hannah!! :D <3 <3
