
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

14 Days of Thankfulness-Day 12 and 13

Sorry once more for late posts. It's been crazy here with college sibs coming home, trying to get all my knitting done, cooking, working extra hours, and staying awake through all of that.
two things I'm very thankful for are...

Danish butter cookies. some of the best things in the world!

Converse shoes! i love these things. You can tell this is an old picture because now my converse have been drawn on. and they're like 100 times cooler. but yeah...

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm so excited! I'm ready to eat non stop (then again, I'm always ready to eat non stop ;] )  and my sweater is almost done. Just got a few rows left on the sleeve and then I gotta sew the buttons on. but I should be able to do that tonight and make the last turkey. Hope you all have a great night!