
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

chocolate, books, and other such goodness

I meant to post this Sunday, but I fell asleep and when I woke up it was time for youthgroup. oh the things sleep will do to you.. haha! anyway... I made these super awesome, tasty, delicious things for my dgroup.

mmm :) sooo good. pretty easy. all you do is put a kiss on one of those cool checker board pretzels, stick it in the oven till they're slightly melted, squish another pretzel on top, freeze and voila! the most delicious snack out there. sadly I don't have any pictures of them finished, but as I said, a nap took up almost my entire afternoon.

On another random note.... I went to the library today to "grab a book". and yeah... well. I came home with five, plus a movie. you gotta love libraries :)

see the bottom one? "what the dickens" how could you not resist checking it out? so far it's really dumb though. and not really that interesting.... but it's still a cool name.


  1. Wow. "dumb! Not the interesting!" what kind of a book is that?!?!

  2. Ooooo. I spy several AMAZING books there, lol. What's A Song for Summer? Is that good??
