
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plinky once more

So here I am, again, empty handed with nothing to write about. I'm sure you're all wondering why I have had no inspirational thoughts these last few days, and it's simply because I've been reading too much. When I read a book I tend to get sucked into it and I literally cant think of anything but the book. So yes, I have been doing lots of thinking lately, it has just all been about another world that is (sadly) not real. What am I reading you might ask. "Sorcery and Cecelia" was my first book, and I am now on it's sequel, "The Grand Tour". If you have never read either of these, I highly recommend them. Well, they're more girly books, so you boys might not like them. But they're very funny and I am enjoying them. I'm also reading "Quo Vadis" which is a novel I have to read for school, but it is extremely good and I would also highly recommend it.
  But anyway, because I have no thoughts, I figured I'd try Plinky again. Here is the question-

If you could talk to any historical person for advice, who would it be and why?

I thought about it for a moment, and then it hit me. Jesus. duh. Not only because he's like my hero, but also because I think he'd give me the best advice ever. for real. if you disagree, well then, go read your Bible.
Also I think it would be pretty sweet to ask Alexander the Great (he being one of my favorites, don't ask) for some advice. I'd also like to get Aristotle's and Archimedes advice on a few things. (yeah, you can tell i've been studying the Greeks and Romans)
So now I want to hear from YOU.  Who would you ask, and why?


  1. thats awesome i would ask Jesus too!

  2. so i definitely (well besides Jesus) would pick either Shakespeare or Leonardo da Vinci
    yup i definitely picked the coolest people!

  3. Love those books, they're really good! :)
