
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Painting, baking, and a little bit of guitar :)

that pretty much sums up my day. so i'm sure you're wondering what happend to my deep thoughts i promised to post (if you read the last post that is :p)  well, they're coming.... maybe.... if i ever get time to actually write them down haha! but it requires lots of thinking, which i'm not too good at at night, and which i never have time for in the day.
anywayy... i figured i should post something. so i'm gonna post about this most amazing day i had today :)
started out with work. work is amazing and i love my job very very much. and my boss wasn't there which made it not stressful at all. (i love my boss, but she scares me at times)  I actually got to help this lady pick out colors for a sweater she's making. it needed 7 colors. if you're a knitter you're probably gasping right now. it's hard enough just to pick out ONE color, not to mention 7! i think it took us 30 minz. for real. but she's making this really awesome Rowan sweater with it. (i tried to find it online but couldn't... sorry!)
so yeah, that was a lot of fun helping her out! :) i also bought two awesome things at the store, one a key chain! because i'm getting my own keys now yayayayaya! it's a little knitted sweater, it's so cute! and i'm not saying what the other was because it's for someone. (yes, you know who you are haha!) ;-)

well, i got home and had a delicious lunch or pb&j and almost died by choking on it. but all's good. and then we started the process of redoing our upstairs bath room. there is somthing you should know about me, i LOVE, like really really *love* redoing rooms. its the best thing ever. i love painting, i love making things look pretty, i love organizing, i love planning. yeah, i love readoing a room. so today we started on that. i did all the prep. sandpapering, washing, dusting, vaccuming, and tomorrow we're gonna do the actual painting. i can't wait! it's gonna be so much fun!

once i had done that i went down stairs and made apple crisp with the delish apples we picked last week. it was sooo good! sadly i did not think to take any pictures of it, but trust me it looked amazing too.

then we had an amazing dinner of chicken and baked potatoes. (my fave) it was delish. and then i took a walk. and that was super cool, cuz i love walks.  once i got back i played a little guitar, which i haven't done in MONTHS! for real. i love it. :)

so maybe to you it sounds like just an ok day, but to me it was a really amazing day, i was incredibly happy all through out it, and yeah. i want to live it again <3


  1. I failed to see this post until now, I beg for forgiveness.

    But, lol, I love reading your posts! They're so lighthearted and happy. Which is totally what depressed (*cough about school *coughcough*) people want to read. Or, I would (well, I am, lol) anyway.

    And you'll have to take a picture of the keychain thing, it sounds adorable!! I might have to get one when I get some keys :-P

  2. forgiveness is granted ;)
    haha! yeah, i try to not let my own depressness get into my posts because that would just scare my readers away haha!
    pictures will hopefully be coming soon :)

  3. okay so the part where you got something for someone at your shop i was like oh i wonder who it is and then i was like oh yay it is me she is getting me needles and then i was like aww this was posted on saturday which means it is not me. *sniff* *sniff* *waaaaah*
    <3 Nicole

  4. yeah, sorry it's not for you... but i do have needles for you!! :)
