
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The evil little thing called "Gossip"

So I know I promised a discussion, here it is. This is actually not the subject I was originally going to talk about, but that subject has lost interest in my mind for the time being, so I thought up a new one. And it's on gossip.  Of course we all know that gossip is bad. After all it does say in The Good Book

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Eph 4:29

but, my question to you is what IS gossip and what ISN'T gossip? Because often you hear people say that gossip is talking about people 'behind their back'. But to tell you the truth, I talk about people 'behind their back' allll the time. often me and my sisters will end up on a bed talking about our friends, siblings and other such stuff when we're really suppose to be doing our school. If we didn't do that i wouldn't know a lot of things about a lot of people. But my question is, is that gossiping? or is gossiping tearing people down? when does having a nice little chat turn into tearing others down?
I want to hear your thoughts, so please post them!


  1. Gossip is when you spread a rumor about someone that is negative. It tears people down. I would say talking to your sisters about someone negatively wouldn't be gossip if the sisters didn't tell anyone and it was between just you and your sisters.

  2. I think that gossip is spreading a bad rumor for negative reasons. It is probably a good idea to not tell anyone anything unless you know that it is true.

    Hope Martin

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i would dis agree with you andrew because just saying it to you sister, that is anything mean or unwholesome, is still gossip because it is coming out of your mouth, as the verse says. Like if a friend were to say, "Wow i really dislike that hoodie of their's." I know i would be upset that they just did not outright say they did not like it instead they had to whisper it to someone else and it is really none of either person's business. aka i think gossip is any unkind word that leaves one's mouth. I am certain not saying i am clean of this myself but this is my opinion.

  5. thank you all for your comments! really :)

    i kinda agree with all of you. if something is mean AND untrue, it shouldn't be said. But if it's true, then that's another matter. yeah, we want to build eachother up with our talk, so even if it is true, but still unkind and unnecessary, then i don't think it should be said either. if it is necessary to say though, then in my opinion you should talk to the person it concerns and not be talking behind their back even if it is true.

  6. how can you build someone up who you talk about if they never hear about the discussion? In other words, if your supposed to build up the person your talking about, then can we ever talk about someone who isn't present?

  7. well, you can tear them down when they're not around can't you? so in my opinion you can build them up when they're not around as well.

  8. I don't think there's any set definition for gossip. I think it's yet another area in which one has to act as he feels and thinks is proper. Most of the time, common sense and a conscience is enough to tell you you shouldn't be talking about someone in a certain way.
