
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

  Today me and my sisters took it upon ourselves to organize the school cabinet. This is a big job. At the end of the school season we usually just shove everything in and close the door as fast as possible, and then we avoid looking, seeing, touching, smelling and especially not OPENING it for the rest of the summer. So today we braced ourselves and cleaned it out so that it would be all ready for next week when we start school. As we dug our way through the swamp of scratch papers, math books, chains, and other such stuff that accompanies the word school, I stumbled upon an old folder that had the mark of a pirate on it. (for real.)  Thinking I might find a map that would lead me to a stash of chocolate or other goods I began to dig through the many papers that were inside. There really wasn't much. Only some old math and chem test, mostly having a D or F written on them, or long reports that were marked with A's. So of course I knew it must be Malachi's old folder. I also stumbled across some poems of his. They really weren't that good, although they were rather funny. I read them all, chuckling over my poor brothers lame attempts (all though he has gotten a little better. I'll have to post one of his up here some day....)  One of them struck me though. Not because of how it was written, but because of the idea behind it. I'm not going to post it up here because it was rather long, but here's the general idea of it.

  "I" is sitting and thinking one day, when his two other half's "Me" and "Myself" come up and join him. I starts to tell Me and Myself his worries and woes and they start to give him some advice. Myslef gives his first. He asks I why he doesn't take control of his own life. It's his own right? who has the right to control it? He should go and do what he wants. "Go out and make the best of it!" is Me's wise advice. I is starting to feel uplifted, strong, and ready to do anything. And then Me gives his advice. He say's, don't listen to Myself! He lies, and you know that. The flesh will always want pleasures that don't last. Sure, you can choose what you want to do, but you're always going to choose poorly. But if you trust in His power and let Him be the guide then you know that your life will be lived to the fullest because His will will be done.
  Me and Myself then leave and I is left once more to himself to ponder which advice he should take.

  And that's pretty much the poem. But, it got me thinking. Are we taking Me's or Myselfs advice? And do you even realize which advice you're taking? I like to think, oh yeah, I'm letting God have his way in my life. But is that entirely true? Am I letting Him always have His way, or just in the big things that "matter"? Is God in control of every little thing, or are you living for yourself 90% of the time?


  1. Thats a really cool idea for a poem and a good method for keeping thing in their proper perspective. I'll bet Malachi would be pleased that his poem is being so well used.
