
Monday, August 30, 2010

   I couldn't think of anything to post about today. So I'm taking Grace's advice and trying out "Plinky" which I guess asks you random questions. Here we go!

What movie always makes you cry? (or at least makes you emotional)

To tell you the truth, I have never cried in a movie or book. I can't. for real. I cannot cry even if I want to bawl my eyes out. I just can't, and I don't know why. buttttt.... my answer is-

Yup, Phantom of the Opera. I love this movie, and it always makes me sad. Why? because the stupid girl should have chosen the Phantom! he's so much more awesome! (and wayyyy better looking) for sure. I feel so bad for him. I also laugh a lot over this movie. yup. it has so many holes in it, but whatev, it's one of my favs! :)

So, a few things I left out about my trip.
1) I sadly did not make it to any yarn stores :(  I didn't even make it to a gift shop! no post cards, overpriced trinkets that'll end up in the garbage anyway, nothing. I was very sad that I missed both of these shopping experiences. but, we did go to Target one day to get Abbie stuff, and guess what I bought? SHOES! and they're soooo cute! (but i got gold, not purple)

2)For my knitting projects I finished "Silverbell.". Well, almost. I just have to finish up the sleeves and the edge, but that shouldn't take to long. I didn't get too far on the dress. I finished the bodice (and it fits!) and got about 3 in. of the skirt done, but I got the hang of the pattern and it shouldn't be to hard to finish.

3) Mary-Kate and I learned that we would be the perfect room mates. 'Cause we're good friends, but we get along in a way that we could live together. if that makes sense...

yup, i think that's about it. Hopefully I'll come up with something interesting to write soon, and then I can stop boring you all about Florida haha!


  1. Hallelujah! Another person who cries when watching the Phantom!! And for the same reason! Duuude, you are awesome!

    Plus, you then add in the amazingness of the music to this uberly sad situation...and it's like "*BAWL*" Yepppp. This is why I usually watch this movie alone. And when I'm with people...I try not to, lol.

  2. wat?? I was really glad that she chose Raoul over the Phantom. The choice was between light and dark, good and evil - are you guys saying that she should have succumbed to evil? D:

  3. chaya. he's wayyy better looking, and she could fix him and his evil ways. Raoul is sooo.... wimpy, and girly.

  4. Nooo. In reply to Emily's comment...but that's obvious. And this is totally personal preference.

    You know what...I'm going to blog about this. That'll make it easier, lol. Post in a few days :-P
