
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Temporary Home...

"This is our temporary home.
It's not where we belong.
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."
-Carrie Underwood

  This is a great song. One of my favorite off that CD. But every time I hear it, it reminds me that this is just our temporary home. We think our lives are so important. We'll do almost anything just to live longer. Have good health, stay in shape, not get cancer, and so on. Yet in God's eyes, our life is just a blink of the eye. Lately I've been realizing how very fast this life is, and I've been comparing it to eternity. It's pretty scary if you actually stop to think about it. I mean, we're gonna be in heaven forever? What the heck are we gonna do all that time!? I personally can't comprehend that, and if you can, please try to explain it to me haha! But back to my point... .I think we tend to get to caught up in this world. We often think "oh yeah, I'd die for God, I want to go to heaven as soon as possible." but then we also tend to add "just let me (fill in the blank) first, and then I'll really be ready"
  Now I have a lot of life goals. like go sky diving, get married, go all over the world, live in the Dominican for a year, and many more. Most of these goals are really good, and most people would say "look at what she's doing for God!" But, if God asked me to go to heaven tomorrow, would I be willing to give up this life right away? or would I ask Him for a little bit more time, so that I can do all the things I want?
  So that's my question for you. Do you know this is just your temporary home, or are you trying to make it your permanent home? 

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