
Monday, August 16, 2010

  So this is the awesome person I got to meet today! along with the rest of her amazing family! Yup, them Sapps are pretty shweet. Sadly I only got to be with them for like.... 20 minutes maybe? They came to visit me at work, because, like myself, Grace and her Mom are both knitters. So of course they had to come get yarn. It was fun being able to show them around the store, especially seeing that now I know where most of the yarns are! yay!
  But yeah, they scared the crap out of me when they came in. I hadn't heard them come in, so I turned around and who's there but Grace?! It was awesome haha!
  For those of you who don't know the Sapps, they are a family that some of my friends met online. (if any of these facts are wrong, please correct me) I guess they met them during an online class, and from there they became best friends. pretty much. Just a few months ago I 'met' Grace and Joey in a group chat. When I learned Grace was a knitter I was pretty happy. of course we started talking about knitting and from there it went to yarn, to jewelry, to shoes, to music and so on. When I heard she was coming, I of course wanted to meet her and show her my store. So, that brings us to this morning, when I met her! I'm sorry to say that I didn't get to know Joey quite as well, and I guess we're gonna have to fix that, cuz he's pretty awesome :) (he was the one who took the picture, so thanks Joey!)
  Anyway, this is way longer then I meant it to be, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
thanks for reading!


  1. Hannah. i definitely started to say "that is my story and i am sticking to it" way before you. just saying. PS- Cool beans on the blog!!! love it!

  2. and okay. not going to lie. i am really jealous you got to see those great sapp people. it is totally not your fault though. love you!!! <3 <3 <3

  3. I got to meet them too...definitely enjoyed it :) .

  4. DUDE. I feel UBERLY special right now!!!

    And it's definitely double-ended. I met uberly amazing people as well :-P
