
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why Even Bother?

  This is the question you are probably asking yourself right now. "Why does Hannah even bother trying to be cool and have a blog? Isn't she cool enough as it is?" Or, maybe you're thinking, "ha! yeah, have fun with this. It's going to fail within the next few months." If you are thinking that, well, you're probably right. I can't really see myself actually keeping up with this. I don't have a camera first of all, and a blog without pictures is pretty lame I think. I also am trying to get into the habit of not spending as much time on the computer, and this isn't helping haha! Butttttt...... I made a deal with a friend (no names *cough*) that if, they, came up with a name for my blog, I would try it out. So here I am! Making my first post as to why I'm attempting this. (So yeah, if you don't like the name, don't blame it on me. Personally, I think it's pretty awesome)

  Anyway, I hope you enjoy it while it last. I don't really know what the heck I'll be posting about... but I guess we'll find out haha!


  1. Yaaaaayyy!! You got a blog!! You'll love it! It's weird, once you get used to'll want to blog about everything.

    Oh, and if you dunno what to blog about, I really suggest, it's amazing, lol. Some of the questions are like "Ehhhh...!" but most of them are great :-P Can't wait to see more!
