
Friday, August 20, 2010

I will rejoice and be glad in it

Ahhh! I have SO many things to be excited for right now! I think it's mostly the weather that's making me this excited because whenever it's this amazing out I get excited and happy about EVERYTHING!
But I really do have a lot to be thankful for and excited about. Like Florida!!! I can't wait! we're going to have a blast! Also, I'm on the 5th, (and last!) square! yay! I also lovelovelove the color I got.

It makes me think of lemonade :)  (and lemonade always makes me think of dollar stores, Robin Hood, and air bands hahahah! good times)

Another thing I have to be excited for- SCHOOL!!!!!  I love starting school. by the end of the year I hate it, but the beginning is so much fun! Also going and buying all the school materials is lots of fun too :)
Then there is also Fall, which is one of my favorite seasons! (Spring, Summer and Fall are all my favorite seasons actually haha! I hate winter though... well, most of the time)

Getting my own room! Can't wait for that either!
Re-doing/painting almost all the rooms in our house this fall. I lovelove painting and can't wait to get started.
Another thing, when we get back from Florida I can FINALLY organize the girls room! woot! Abbie is the 2nd messiest child in our family (Malachi being the first) and I'm one of the neatest, so I am so glad she's finally going to be gone because then I'll be able to actually have a non messy room! woohoo! (although I guess I'll miss her a little... but only a VERY little :p )

I'm also excited for my new knitting project! Don't know what it's gonna be yet, but once  I finish "Silverbell" and the dress I can start something new. I have a few ideas, I just don't know which yet. I'll prolly put pictures of them all up and let you guys vote :)

Umm.... So yeah! I'm super excited today! And I hope you all are to because-
"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" (Ps.118:24)


  1. Aaaamen to the schoolness stuff. I love starting...but start hating it by the last 6 months, or whatever. Especially the math part >.< Lol.

  2. really? i like the math the best. it's the science that i almost kill myself over
