
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The trip to Cali

For those who don't know, I got to go to California this past week to visit my sister, Angel. It was super awesome fun, I'm actually still here as of the moment, but I'll be flying home tomorrow. Anyway, the pictures are here, and so I thought instead of having Angel email them all to me, I may as well do a post with the pictures, and it'll be so much easier and will actually get done. So, I will not burden you all with long tales of fun in the sun, I'll simply just put a few pictures that highlight the week.

Knitting, of course.
Doughnuggets! These things are amazing!
Eva-Bear. We're best buds.
San Diego Zoo!
The SUNSHINE!!! I don't think it ever got above 65 which was kind of a bummer, but at this point anything is better then CT which is always below 30 with three feet of snow everywhere.
Holding an elephant on my hand... You don't get to do that everyday!
Getting all dressed up and going to a really awesome play of Jane Austen's "Emma". It was made into a musical, and was so cute and funny! Very well done, and it was such a fun night!
Going to Old Town!
And last but not least...
Hanging out with my crazy, awesome, fun, gorgeous, and super fantastic sister Angel! She's so awesome to have put up with me for a week, and it was totally one of the best weeks ever!
Naturally these pictures do not cover everything, and really only give you a glimpse of what a relaxing and fun week I had. It was definitely one of the best birthdays ever!


  1. awww looks (and sounds) Like you had TONS AND TONS AND TONS AND TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSS of FUN! and i really wish *i* were back there... but never mind that.... EVA IS SOO CUTE!!!! :)

  2. Very nice pictures, looks like you had an awesome time:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eva-Bear looks so cute.

    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

  5. ahh... I saw you on my following list and was wondering who you were. Thanks so much for following me though and for the invite! I'll totally check out your blog!

    to everyone else, thanks! I had a lot of fun :)
