
Friday, November 19, 2010

14 Days of Thankfulness-Day 8

Day 8 is going to be knitting buddies. I can not tell you how much fun I have talking to a fellow knitter about knitting. It's so stinking fun, and your learn. which is good. learning is good. But yeah, thanks to all my knitting buddies out there, but especially to Grace Sapp and Angel Robblee (my amazing sister) because they're the two that I talk knitting with the most and we have lots of fun (or, at least I do ;] )

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, I love you :-) HOLY COW, do I love talking knitting with you!!! I can't WAIT till we can actually talk about knitting LIVE and TOGETHER. (loool, and talk about other stuff too. Looooool)
