
Sunday, November 14, 2010

14 Days of Thankfulness-Day 3

Ok, so this will probably sound really weird to everyone, but today I'm really thankful for sunshine. it's the prettiest thing evvveerrr! for realz. like, when you're in the woods, and you can see the rays coming through the leafs. or better yet, when it's really cloudy but there's just one ray of sun shining though. so awesome! although my favorite is when it rains while it's sunny out. yup, the sun is the best.


  1. haha, plus just the word "sunshine" is a happy word. It makes me smile :-)

  2. and in addition being a happy word sunshine does help keep us warm, which is pretty nice to think about if your like me and are really cold this morning.

  3. yes, the word sunshine is a very happy word:)
    yes! i'm freezing! gah! sadly the sun is hidden though now :(

  4. Who says sunshine is weird...?
