
Friday, November 12, 2010

14 Days of Thankfulness-Day 1

So I'm going to be doing this awesome thing were, for 14 days, you list something you're thankful for. And I got  this idea from no other then the amazing Miss Grace. I'm very excited :)
So today is the first day. I was planning on doing something totally really random but that I am very thankful for, but then I saw this.

my awesome cat Leo sleeping in my bed. And I would like to say that I am VERY thankful for him, because he is such a cutie, even if he does bite me when he wants to 'play'.

Now that that has been said... I'm going to post some pictures from yesterday. I meant to do it last night, but then other things came up. such as knitting, and catching up on my two favorite TV shows, Bones and Psych. annnywaaayyyy.... yesterday we made cookies, and it was lots of fun :)


you know you want some! oh wait, sorry. I ate them all already. to bad :p

the amazing chefs who put so much time and effort into the deliciousness of those cookies.

Hope your Friday is an amazing one!


  1. awwww, Leo is so cute!!

    as to the chocolate cookies...*drools*
