
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Stitches East

let me just start off by saying STITCHES WAS SO STINKIN' AWESOME!!!! it was a knitters heaven, for sure. So me and my mom got there and my jaw hit the ground. Imagine a room that's bigger then a football field. Now add about 200 knitters that are all walking around in knitting lala land. now add about 50 booths. and then, to top it off, everyone of those booths is *packed* with yarn.

ok, so maybe some of those numbers were off, but I think you get the picture. It was amazing! (Grace, I wish you could have been there, you would have *loved* it!)

So we pull in, and what's the first thing we see?

 yup, this is my new dream car ;-)

The next few pictures are just random pictures I took so you could kinda get a look at what it was like. (sorry they're not too good. it was hard getting good shots in there!) 

As to what we got.... I got mostly patterns because I didn't have tons of money (and you need tons of money if you're gonna buy an entire project)

We got these three awesome patterns at an amazing booth called....

Mom fell in love with this booth! and it was really great. It's a Irish family company. they make all there own wool. it was really cool! She's gonna do the one on the far left with the cables in this yarn---

It's gonna be so pretty! I really want to make all three. sometime. when I have a few hundred dollars floating around haha!

Another thing my mom fell in love with is this amazing yarn
it's kinda hard to see, but it's sparkly, but not like overly sparkly. and it's really soft! i love it!!! but yeah, she bought two skeins to make a scarf and I'm gonna buy some (in the future) to make this

it's gonna be over $90 to make it (the yarn is pretty pricey, but i think it's so worth it!) but the lady who owned  the booth said that if I sent her an email at the end of the semester with my report card and if it had all A's, she would give it to me for 50% off.  and she meant it for real. so I'm so gonna do it! (cuz I always get all A's)

Guess what else I got? (this was actually my only whole project I got)

tada!!! I love love love this! I've seen it on Ravelry for a long time (and the amazing Grace is making did? still working on it? haha! ;] ) so when I saw it at one of the booths, with the yarn right there, I had to get it!

So yes, that was my amazing Saturday. It was tons of fun.

Now just one last picture.

me and mom having way to much fun!

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