
Friday, September 10, 2010

Life without music would be flat

  "Life without music would be flat"

  This quote is so true. I love music. like, a stinking lot. Not only do I love to listen to it, but I love playing it, and love watching it be played by other people. Music is a huge part in my life. I play both piano and viola, a little guitar (need to work on it haha!) and technically I can play violin... but I don't like to. It gives me a headache. for real. But anyway, the point is, I love music. Even more then I love knitting. *gasps* 
  Tonight I found out that I'm going to be playing in Manchester Symphony Orchestra. I am so excited. Like, I seriously can't tell you how excited I am. I'm also freaking out. Why? because when I'm super excited, and super scared at the same time, I start to freak out. I've wanted to be in an orchestra since my freshman year, but I haven't really had the opportunity. My mom and I talked over the summer about me joining one this year, but we never really got the time to sit down and look at what was available. I've been looking at MSO for a while, partly because my teacher plays in it (1st violin!) also because it's free. :)  But as the school year rapidly approached and my schedule became more and more filled, I figured that orchestra was just not going to work out. again. for the 3rd year in a row. 
  Until yesterday. My mom came in as I was doing school and basically said "Hannah, if you want to actually do the orchestra, talk to your teacher tomorrow!"  So today at my lesson the subject was brought up, discussed, and now it's a reality. I'm going to be in an orchestra! 
  I'm so excited, but I'm also scared out of my mind. (ok, maybe not that much, but close enough) MSO is a rather advanced orchestra, and I've only been playing for 4 years. So I'm super afraid that it's gonna be to hard. But then again, I did quartett last year and I thought the same thing. It was really hard, but it made me a million times better at viola and was TONS of fun! (we're having it again this year and I'm sooo excited!) 
  So yes, that is my exciting news! 
(and guess what one of our pieces is? "A minor violin concerto #1" by Bach. LOVE that song!)



    Seriously, my dear, you are going to be MORE than AMAZING. And I seriously love caps. Wheee! I'm so happy for you!! Once you get going, you should like have someone video a performance or something then post it on here! Or something like that :-P

    Yaaaaayyyyy!!!! Congratulations!!

  2. thanks Grace! and yeah, I'll totally put a performance up if I get it taped!

  3. I TOTALLY agree with the first part of your post! Music is totally amazing! And life WOULD be flat without it.

    AHHH!!! CONGRATS!!!!! That must be sooo uber exciting! *GIVES HANNAH A HUGE HUG* I HAVE to come see you perform sometime! Orchestral music is just incredibly amazing!

  4. Thanks Hannah! and yeah, I'll totally put the dates of my concerts up here.
