
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

of knitting

  It's been awhile since I last posted knitting pics, but I have been busy of late and have several newish things!

My newest one is The Bubble Top as Miss Grace likes to call it. I just finished it last Thursday and really, really love how it came out! It actually took a really long time to make. I started it back in Feb. when I went to Cali, but the back gave me a ton of trouble, so it sat and got dusty for some time. But then I finally picked it up and finished it! Here are some pics-

yeah, I really like it :-) and it fits nicely, which is always nice.
Next, is a cute little shrug I made on the way to Ohio for Malachis graduation from Cedarville (it was an awesome weekend, btw).

The pattern name is Leisle...but I haven't named mine yet. Any ideas?
yeah, I like it :-)

Third one...I actually finished this awhile ago, and took pictures awhile ago, but it took someone *cough cough, not saying any names, cough* forever to get them to me.

I was, and still am haha, very in love with this yarn. Berroco, Vintage. All of Berroco's stuff is just amazing, but the color I got was seriously to die for. Really love this sweater! It's obviously just a little to warm for it now, but I did get to wear it a few times this spring, and I'm looking forward to wearing it more in the Fall!

I have a few things I'm working on now. One is a shawl (that I really need to get going on again, heh) that's going to be a wedding gift for a friend. The pattern and yarn I'm using are totally her, and I'm really happy with how it's coming out! Pictures to come...possibly.

I also have two designs going. Well, one I started awhile back...and it's been giving me some trouble. But that's ok, because that's what happens when you do your own designs!
   This was it in April-

I know that doesn't give the best idea of the design...but, it gets the colors best, and also shows the stitch I'm using on the back. It's gonna be a little shrug, and I'm really hoping it'll turn out like I want it to!

I'm also starting a dress. I had this amazing design come into my head at work the other day. So far I have about two rows on the cap sleeve done haha! But I'm hoping it'll come out like I want it to. :-)

And that, my friend, is my knitting life.


  1. You inspire me to pick up knitting again with all your lovely projects. :D
